Organic seedoils by Biologicoils: benefits and culinary uses

In recent years, the consumption and research of seed oils have significantly increased, thanks to growing consumer awareness of their health benefits and the importance of choosing natural and sustainable products.

The organic seed oils produced by our company ensure a pureproduct, free from pesticides or chemicals, environ mentally friendly, and healthy for us. Through the Biologicoils brand, we have developed a completerange of organic oils that meet the needs of an increasingly quality- and sustainability-conscious market.
Thanks to our production lines and company expertise, we are also able to develop tailor-made solutions for private labels, offering organic seedoils packaged in different formats and with customized labels.

Pumpkin, hemp, and flax are true allies of well-being and creative cooking. Thanks to their nutrient richness and delicate flavor, they are a valuable addition to a balanced diet.
Flaxseed oil, one of our best sellers, stands out for its highomega-3 fatty acid content, which is essential for heart, brain, and joint health. It is also rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, which support the skin and immune system. These oils are naturally cholesterol-free and help reduceinflammation in the body.

In the kitchen, organic seed oils offer versatility andflavor. Flaxseed oil is perfect for dressing salads, enhancing the taste offresh vegetables, adding to smoothies or yogurt for a nutrient boost, or completing hot dishes like soups or grains, but without cooking to preserve its properties. Pumpkin and hemp seed oils, on the other hand, add an aromatic and nutritious touch to sauces, marinades, and even desserts.